photography clients

2 Easy Ways To Stay On Your Clients Radar

When you have a great list of clients, you want to make sure you stay on their radar with new packages and services you offer, and anything else that can help you get referrals or return business. But with that said, you do not want to bother them to the point that they do not want to hear from you again. 

According to the photography guide "How To Make Money With Clients You Already Have," reaching out to them once a month is just enough to stay in the back of their mind so they think of you whenever photos are brought up. 

Today we want to share 2 easy ways that you can stay on your clients radar that come straight out of this guide! If you do these along with your other marketing and business efforts, hopefylly you will see some return customers and new ones coming through by referrals! 

Photo credit: Pixabay

Photo credit: Pixabay

1. Send A Small Gift

Sending a little something small is a great way to make your client happy and remind them that you are there if needed. The gift is not something that has to be big, but perhaps purchase a photo button or create photo magnets that you can send to each client. You can customize them with a past photo you took from that client or just make it something generic. 

Another idea is to send a card each year to your client. Perhaps you photographed a newborn session... each year on that child's birthday, send them a birthday card! If you are a wedding photographer, keep track of your clients anniversaries and send them a card. It may take a little planning ahead but keeping past clients happy and on your radar will pay off! 

2. Check In With A Message To See How They Are

If you would prefer not to have a cost associated with staying on your clients radar, you can simply take time and send your clients a quick email or message on Facebook. You are most likely already following past clients and if you see something great happening in their lives, reach out and say hello or congrats! If it is a client you have not talked to in awhile, shoot them a quick email just to say hi and see what is going on in their lives. Just that little gesture is a great reminder for them to you use as their photographer if they have an event or special occasion coming up in the future.  

Staying on your clients radar is so important for your photography business. Perhaps you have a newsletter that goes out a few times a year that tells them new services you offer or shows off some of your most recent work. Whatever it is you do, you will find that you get referrals and repeat clients by taking the time to stay in touch! 

Are you having trouble booking new clients? Are your past clients not coming back? If you're wondering what are you doing wrong and how you can fix it, "How To Make Money With Clients You Already Have" will help you go back and focus on the clients you already have and pull them back in with fresh, unique ideas.  

It will teach you how to gain loyal clients, make them feel special, exceed their expectations and stay on their radars. It also gives you ideas on making money around the holidays. Sample emails, social media statuses and blog posts are included for you to just copy and paste to your clients to make your life easier. Also includes Excel form for easy client organization.


Get this guide today for only $9 (A $62.50 value!)

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2 Ways To Make Money With Clients You Already Have

Whether you have a great photography business that you have been growing for 20 years or you are just in the first few years of starting yours, it is so important to utilize the clients you have already photographed and worked with over the years. Everyone knows that word-of-mouth and referrals from people you have already photographed are a wonderful way to get new customers. But now-a-days, with the thousands of photographers out there, it can be difficult to find tons of new clients. 

How do you utilize those clients you have already worked with to make more money and find brand new ones along the way? The guide "How To Make Money with Clients You Already Have" is a wonderful eBook that will give you great ways to do this and we wanted to share 2 of those ways with you today. 



1. It All Begins With Customer Service

In order to use your existing clients to find new ones, you have to use excellent customer service in your business all the time. Make sure your clients are happy, they love the work you have done and provided to them, and if they do not, help to figure out a way to make it right. Like we said before, word-of-mouth is very important and we all know that someone is more likely to tell everyone they know if they are unhappy or had an unpleasant experience with a service. 

2. Stay On Your Clients Radar

Social media is huge and is a great way to keep in touch with your past and current clients. Post a sample of a family session and tag your client, comment on posts they make about current things that are going on in their lives. The more they see you and your business in front of them, the more they will remember the great work you did and when a friend or family member asks them about if they know of a photographer, you may just pop into their head since you stay in their radar. 

Also be sure to send out emails with your current specials, really great blog posts you have posted on your website with new photo sessions you have done and even just emails to check in and see if there is anything you can help them with. 


There are SO many more things you can do to make money with clients you already have but we hope these 2 tips have been helpful for you. If you are interested in reading more of this awesome eBook, "How To Make Make Money With Clients You Already Have," you can purchase this guide today for $62.50.

In it, you will learn how to gain loyal clients and exceed their expectations. It also will tell you how to make money around the holidays and gives some great marketing strategies to help you stand out from the competition. There are also sample emails, social media statuses, blog posts and an excel form for easy client organization to make your life easier.  





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