tips & tutorials

4 Tips To Taking Beautiful Winter Photos

Winter is here and the snow has started falling in many places around the world bringing chilly temperatures but beautiful winter landscapes. Just because there is snow does not mean that you can not get out and take amazing photos. There is nothing better than capturing the beauty and serenity of the snow. 

Today, we want to share 4 tips with you to help you take beautiful winter photos. So bundle up, grab your camera, head outside to build a snowman and take some awesome photography! 

1. Plan Ahead

During the winter months, the sun sets much earlier in the day so there is not as much daylight to photograph in. You want to make sure you plan ahead based on the location you are shooting in and the type of photo you are trying to get. If you will be up on a mountain and want to get the sunrise, make sure you know what time that is. Also, be sure to dress warmly. There is nothing worse than being outside trying to take that perfect shot and be too cold without a big coat, hat and gloves. Be sure to dress in layers so you can have as much warmth as you need.

The cold is also bad for your camera and battery as the cold weather eats up that battery faster than normal. Be sure to carry a spare along with you, perferrably wrapped up and kept in a warm bag.  

Photo credit:

Photo credit:

2. Play Around With Your Camera's Exposure

Snow is bright so it bounces light around and fills in spaces in photos that would typically be a shadow. But, the problem is that your camera will probably read all of that snow as light. When there’s too much light in an image, it underexposes the photo making it very dark. When you are photographing snow, you will want to experiment with adding more exposure, so be sure to play around until you find what you like and what looks best in the photos you have taken. 

3. Pay Attention To White Balance

Something else that can be challenging when taking photos of the snow is the white balance. White balance tells your camera what color temperature the scene is that you’re shooting in. Sometimes while shooting in the snow, you may get a blue hue. To keep your snow white in photos, experiment with your ‘Cloudy’ or ‘Shady’ white balance settings to see which one warms up the photo and works best in the exact lighting that you happen to be shooting in. 

Photo credit:

Photo credit:

4. Look For More Color

During the winter months, it is not very colorful. The green. colorful leaves are gone, there are no colorful flowers along the landscape and many times when it has been snowing, the sky is grey.  That can give you some pretty dull shots which of course is alright if you are trying to capture a great black and white photo. What you need to do is look for any little bit of color you can find and try and capture it - no matter how subtle it may be. Use the orange and pink of the sky during the sunrise or if you are photographing people in the snow, use the afternoon sun as it shines in their faces. 

If you plan to take photos in the snow, these tips are sure to help! Here are a few other photography tip posts you may enjoy: 

Do you take winter photos for your clients every year but sometimes the snow is not as heavy as you would like? Perhaps you just need to touch up the snow a bit in your photos. These Snow Overlays would be perfect for you for only $124.99! 


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What Are Your Photography Goals For 2017?

The year is coming to a close and what a year it has been! There have been so many great moments, some sad ones, and tons of others in between... but we hope that each and every one of you have a positive outlook on the year ahead and have some wonderful goals for your photography in 2017. 

It is always fun to have a goal for the upcoming year especially when it comes to something that makes you happy... like taking photos. Take some time in the next few days to evaluate your photography throughout the past year and how you want to move forward in 2017. Perhaps you just began your photography business and want to double the amount of clients over the next year. Maybe you take photos as a hobby and really want to explore different subjects to photograph and make more time for your passion alongside everything else you have to do in life. Or, you may have always thought about photography and this year is the one you plan to take a class and learn as much as you can. 

We believe that if you love photography, you need to take photos. This year ahead, try making it a priority to take a photo every single day. At the end of 2017, you will have 365 different photos to show and we are sure you will have learned something along the way. 

Camera Giveaways is excited for another great year. We have so many great blog posts in the works that will show you some awesome photos and provide you with great tips and tricks for your photography. We will also be continuing with our Photo of the Week (read more about how to submit your own photos here) and have even more camera giveaways for you to enter. (Have you entered our current giveaway? If not, be sure to do so here).

What are your photography goals for 2017? Share them with us below. 

Throughout the year, we have seen some amazing photos and had some great blog posts that you all seemed to enjoy. Here are a few of our favorite posts from the year in case you missed any of them:

3 Essentials For Building A Photography Business - Want to start your own photography business? These tips will help you get started. 

Photo credit: Golden Vision Photography via SnapKnot

Photo credit: Golden Vision Photography via SnapKnot

6 Tips To Take Beautiful Bridal Portraits - Photographing a bride is such a beautiful thing. Here are 6 tips to make sure you capture her perfectly! 

8 Ways To Make Money With Your Photography - Looking to turn your passion into a business or just to help make you a little extra money, then this post will give you some great ideas! 

5 Minute Video On The History Of Photography - This is a cute video that shares a quick history of photography. 

Photo credit: Photo District News

Photo credit: Photo District News

3 Things To Think About If You Are Hiring A Second Shooter - Do you need a second shooter to help you photograph a wedding or large event? This post gives you 3 things you need to consider. 

7 Important Facebook Tips For Photographers - Social media is so important and Facebook is a very popular platform you want to make sure you are on. Be sure to read these 7 Facebook tips to be sure you are utilizing Facebook as best as you can.

7 Easy Steps To Improve Your Photography - These tips will help any photographer improve their work! 

In A Photography Rut? Here are 5 Ways To Get Out! - Finding yourself in a little bit of a photography slump? Here are 5 ways to help you get out. 


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3 Wedding Photography Lighting Tips

While shooting a wedding, you have to be prepared for all types of lighting throughout the event. You will be taking photos outdoors, in rooms where the bride and groom are getting ready, during the ceremony and at the reception. All of these photos are in different places, at different times of day, with different amounts of natural light or even the lighting dimmed inside the venue. 

You need to be prepared for every type of lighting scenario so you can be sure to capture every wedding photo of the bride and groom and their wedding day in the best possible way. Today, we want to share with you 3 wedding photography lighting tips to keep in mind when you are photographing a wedding. 

1. Use Off Camera Flash For More Creativity

It’s easier to balance exposures with off-camera lighting and you get better skin tones when you do so which is so important when taking wedding photos. Perhaps you can start with speed lights and then and then advance to studio systems with light-shaping tools such as softboxes, grid diffusers, and umbrellas. If you know you will want more more flexibility while shooting, you can use wireless triggering systems to fire your camera and flash. 

Photo credit: Jasmine Star

Photo credit: Jasmine Star

2. Set Up Proper Light For The Reception

When it comes to a wedding reception, you really need to bring extra lighting. Many times the reception is in a dark reception or outdoors in the evening when the sun has already set. If you want your photos to turn out at all, you need to learn how to use strobe lighting. The easiest way is to use a bounce flash where you simply use the flash on top of your camera angled towards white walls to create soft directional light on your subjects. You could also use kicker lights placed throughout the reception that are behind the subject you are shooting to help light them up from behind and make them really stand out.  

Photo credit: Secureeshop

Photo credit: Secureeshop

3. Find A Good Place For Your Off Camera Lighting Near The Dance Floor

Most of the important events throughout the reception take place on or around the dance floor. The bride and groom's first dance, the toasts, the bouquet toss and all of the fun dancing goes on there. Finding a spot that is off to the side and out of the way that also faces the dance floor is probably the best option for your lighting placement.   

Are you a wedding photographer and know that some things just do not go as planned. Sometimes you have to find a plan B when the weather does not agree and you have to stay indoors rather than use the gorgeous outdoor scenery you wanted to utilize in the wedding photos. The Indoor Wedding & Engagement Posing Guide is for you! For $149, you can learn when it is best to reschedule your shoot due to rain, shooting in the rain, using indoor elements and SO MUCH MORE! 




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Check Out This Video To See A Few Helpful Camera Hacks

Whether you are a professional who photographs hundreds of different portrait sessions and weddings a year or you are someone who shoots photos as a hobby, we know that photography is important to you. It is always fun learning new tricks or hacks that can help make your life easier when you are out and about taking amazing photos.

We thought you may enjoy this short video we found on PetaPixel that has a few helpful camera hacks that you may not know about yet. In the video, Peter McKinnon, a photographer based out of Toronto, shows you some great camera hacks that he used regularly when he is working. Watch below and let us know what you think. 

Do you have any interesting camera hacks that you use regularly or think others would like to know about? We would love it if you would share with us all below! 

Do you need some help with the marketing for your photography business? We understand! You want to be focusing your time on taking photos so we have a great solution for you! The Marketing Bundle Pack is just what you need! These 8 different marketing templates for photographers each have a unique design and are great to use in marketing materials, on your website, social media and more.  

Click here to get The Marketing Bundle Pack today! 

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5 Background Ideas For Holiday Portraits

The holidays are a wonderful time of year and a great time to take portraits of families, couples and children! You can take portraits of old customers or even find new customers while promoting your holiday mini-sessions or special deals. 

When you are taking holiday photos, you want to have fun, festive holiday themed backgrounds that work perfectly with the age of the people who you photographing. You can buy items to use in your background or as a prop that you can reuse year after year.  

Today, we want to share with you 5 background ideas we love that would be perfect for your holiday portraits. We hope these bring you a little inspiration for your own backgrounds for all the beautiful holiday portraits you will be taking throughout the season. 

What is more festive than a Christmas tree farm?!? Take photos of your clients in front of a few beautiful Christmas trees. Perhaps add some decorations to the tree or the snowflakes like in the photo below and bring a holiday blanket to sit on and you have created the perfect holiday scene! 

Photo credit: Sara Garcia Photo via Pinterest

Photo credit: Sara Garcia Photo via Pinterest

For a couple, just adding a cute Santa hat or a little garland can make it so festive and fun! 

Photo credit: Lauren McBride The Blog via SnapKnot

Photo credit: Lauren McBride The Blog via SnapKnot

If you are photographing children, it is fun to include cute props like in this photo below. The boy is wearing a Santa hat, eating cookies and drinking milk... you can recreate this background so easily with just a few items and even by using some of your own Christmas decorations from home. The sky is the limit! 

Photo credit: Milk & Honey Photography

Photo credit: Milk & Honey Photography

Even a simple indoor set with a decoration or two and a Santa hat makes this sweet baby look festive! We love this simple design that still creates a beautiful holiday portrait. 

Photo credit: Milk & Honey Photography

Photo credit: Milk & Honey Photography

This is such a cute idea to wrap yourself in a string of holiday lights. This couple is snuggled up in their winter long johns! It is a good idea to have a few additional props on hand in case you feel like the photos you are snapping need a little more color or uniqueness and a string of lights is always something easy to bring along - just make sure they are battery operated if you are shooting outdoors! 

Photo credit: Pinterest

Photo credit: Pinterest

We hope these 5 background ideas for holiday portraits have brought you a little inspiration for prop, location and even pose ideas for all of the holiday portraits you are starting to take this holiday season. If you have any other great ideas, please feel free to share them with us in the comment below! Happy holidays everyone! 

Here are a few other holiday related posts you may enjoy:


If you take holiday photos, this products is perfect for you! Use these Holiday Text Overlays and place one over a family portrait and your client can order their holiday cards directly from you! Get this great product for only $49.99 and imagine the possibilities! 






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A Great Tip To Remember When Scheduling Your Mini Sessions

The holiday season is a great time to have mini sessions. Parents are looking to get cute holiday themed photos of their children to give out as gifts or they may want to get some of the family together for Christmas cards. You typically want to try and fit in as many mini sessions as you can in an afternoon or weekend - each in 30 minutes (or so) increments. 

The BP4U guide "The Ultimate Mini Session Guide" is the perfect tool to help you if you are looking to start doing mini sessions or want to get help and advice in scheduling, pricing or even putting together great props. With expert tips from Brooke Bustillos, a successful photographer and entrepreneur, and Nicole Speer, a family photographer, this guide is the perfect manual to motivate you and give you creative ideas. 

Today we want to share with you a tip that comes straight from this guide that will help you in scheduling your own mini sessions. 



Photo credit: Brooke Bustillos

Photo credit: Brooke Bustillos

Always Make Yourself Look Wanted.

If someone happens to cancel on you, do not get on Facebook and say "someone canceled last minute and I have an opening" but try to use it to make it look like you are simply offering more time slots. Instead, say "I decided to add another afternoon spot this weekend in my mini sessions, who is interested in booking?" This shows that extra spot you are trying to book in a more positive light and can be more appealing to potential customers. 

This tip is so important to scheduling your mini sessions. You do not want other customers to think people do not want to use you as their photographer or that they do not like your work. 

If you are interested in this guide, here are a few other tips on planning your very own mini sessions.  

Did you love this guide and want to get even more great tips for planning, pricing and marketing your mini sessions? Purchase "The Ultimate Mini Session Guide" today for a great discounted rate. If you purchase now, you can get it for only $49.99 (normally $199.99)!! What a great value for such valuable business tips. 





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4 Tips To Help You Take The Perfect Headshot

When someone needs their headshots taken, it is typically for a business reason and they expect the photos to look nice and professional. Actors and models need their headshots to help them look their best to get noticed by casting agents. Some people may be looking for a great shot to use on their business cards or their website or others for job interview purposes. Whatever the reason, they are looking to get the best possible shots. 

If you are a photographer that takes headshots, or you want to add that to your portfolio, here are 4 tips to help you take the perfect headshot for your clients. 

1. Get the right expression. 

Before you begin taking headshots of your client, you want to find out what the purpose of the photos are for. Do they need these for a business website or on their business cards? Perhaps it is a model who needs headshots for his or her portfolio. Whatever it is they need them for, you want to figure out what type of expression you need to capture in the pictures. If they need to be serious, try talking about a serious issue or if they need to have a happy expression, tell a joke so you can get a natural smile. 

Whatever you do, you want the subject to engage with the camera. The more expressive and animated a person's features are including their eyes, eyebrows and mouth, the more successful the portrait will be. 

Photo credit: Peter Hurley

Photo credit: Peter Hurley

2. Find the person's best side. 

Once you start snapping photos, you want to have the client move their face one way, then the other, and in different angles so you can decide which is their 'best side' and will look the best. Sometimes the simple tilt of the head can make all the difference in showcasing their most attractive angle. 

3. Make sure their jawline is extended. 

No matter who it is you are shooting, make sure that they extend their jawline to create that longer look. If someone is standing normally with their head in a natural position with it slightly tucked down, it can create the look of a double chin, and that is something that no one wants to have in their photos. Without the jawline extended, you will get a more rounded face.

Photo credit: Chris Gillett

Photo credit: Chris Gillett

4. Don't just use black backdrops.

Someone with dark hair or dark clothing can blend in with a dark or black backdrop so it is good to have other options readily available. White backgrounds are a great option as they can really make the person stand out - especially if they are wearing brighter colors that will pop on the white background. 

We hope these tips have been helpful to you! Here are a few other posts you may enjoy: 

"Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them." That quote is so true and explains what this video is trying to show.  Do you love this quote? Why not get it on a coffee mug for daily inspiration? Get it here for only $19!




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3 Tips To Make The Wedding You Are Shooting Go Smoothly

Shooting a wedding can be tough. You are working for many hours in a fast-paced environment and you only have one chance to capture all the wonderful photos that the bride and groom have hired you to photograph. As a professional, you will work as hard as you can to get the job done and take some amazing photos for your clients. Many of you wedding photographers out there know how much goes into shooting a wedding from start to finish and being prepared ahead of time is the key. 

No matter what, you want to be ready so the wedding day goes over as smoothly as possible. Every single wedding you photograph is unique in some way. Even though you may work at the same venue often, the couple and their family will be different each time with different personalities. Whether you have been photographing in the wedding industry for years or are thinking about broadening your portfolio to weddings, here are 3 things to remember when shooting a wedding to make sure all goes according to plan:

1. Plan ahead.

It is always important when you are photographing a wedding to pre-plan the day. It is important to meet with the bride and groom to get a feel of how they are as a couple. You want to talk with them about the type of photos they want ahead of time so you know what they are expecting when the time comes for you to give them their photos. Ask for any specific shots they are interested in having taken, and be sure to discuss if they will be doing first look photos and what type of photographs they hope to get - whether it be candid, traditional or even photojournalist.

It is also important to know what the timeline of the day is so you know where you need to be when. You want to be ready for the first dance, the toasts and anything else that the couple has planned for the day. This is also helpful to know when considering whether or not you need an assistant or second shooter to accompany you on the wedding day. 

It is also important to know specific details taking place that day. For example, if the bride's grandmother is only able to come to the ceremony, that is something you need to know ahead of time so you can plan to get a photo of the bride and her together while she is there. Knowing all of this information before the wedding day will help keep you on track, feel more organized and ready to capture exactly what the couple hopes for.

Photo credit: Robert Evans Studios

Photo credit: Robert Evans Studios

2. Think outside the box.  

Take photos from every angle so you have variety in your shots and try to think outside the box. Perhaps there is a grand staircase and you can capture the bride and groom from the bottom of the stairs as they kiss at the top. Maybe you can get a great shot of the bride and groom during their first dance while standing on the second floor which would give a beautiful aerial view of them from above. 

You also want to think of unique backgrounds for the photos; find some great outdoor spaces, or a photo spot with a background of the city or landscape in the distance. You can even get creative and use colorful objects around you like the this bright red building and yellow taxi in the photo below. Is there a colorful flowerbed nearby or an old building with beautiful features that would be great to shoot in front of? 

Photo credit: Dave Robbins

Photo credit: Dave Robbins

3. Shoot lots of photos.

Even if you think you have shot enough of one specific shot, you can never take too many. Take one more. You never know, that final photo you snapped could be that special one that stands out from all of the others.

And remember, you will be taking lots and lots of photos over the course of the wedding day. Be sure to plan ahead with extra batteries and memory cards.  

Photo credit: Nick Otto Weddings via SnapKnot

Photo credit: Nick Otto Weddings via SnapKnot

If you are a wedding photographer, here are a few more wedding related posts you may enjoy: 

Are you a wedding photographer and know that some things just do not go as planned. Sometimes you have to find a plan B when the weather does not agree and you have to stay indoors rather than use the gorgeous outdoor scenery you wanted to utilize in the wedding photos. The Indoor Wedding & Engagement Posing Guide is for you! For $149, you can learn when it is best to reschedule your shoot due to rain, shooting in the rain, using indoor elements and SO MUCH MORE! 



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What Social Media Platforms Are Most Important For Your Photography Business?

There are SO many social media platforms out there today that can make it overwhelming and hard to decide which ones you should spend your time on. We understand it...your time is precious. Many of you have a photography business and would rather be spending your time out actually taking photos, but you must remember that in today's technology driven world, social media is so important to marketing your business. Most of your potential customers are on social media and it is a great way to reach a larger range of people. 

How can you possibly keep up with all the social media sites out there today on a daily basis? There's Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Reddit, and the list goes on and they are all evolving and changing at a very fast pace.  

With all of these, which ones are the MOST IMPORTANT for photographers to be on? There is no need for you to be on all of them (unless of course you want to!) so which are the ones you should focus your time on? Read on below to find out. 

Photo credit: Social Media Examiner

Photo credit: Social Media Examiner


Facebook is a great way to reach many different people and it has stuck around and continues to grow. With all the evolving social media and new platforms popping up, Facebook has evolved with the rest and continues staying on top and you want to be sure to be on the site. 

It is important to have a business page on Facebook that you post on regularly. Mixing up what you post about it a good want to share your work and business information, but that is not what you always want to talk about. Post your recent photos and information about a new service you offer or discounts you have going on. You also want to post as an industry expert. For example, if you are a wedding photographer and trying to market to engaged couples, post information on 'finding a great photographer,' or on '10 wedding photos you want to make sure that your photographer gets,' can make you stand out and be seen as an expert.   

Along with posting, you also want to make sure you take time to comment and like other's pages and posts. If people are commenting on your posts, be sure you respond back with them so you keep the communication going. If you see something posted on another photographer's page that you think is great information, share it. If you share the love, they may do the same for you.  

Such a variety of people are on Facebook and their advertising can help you to specifically target a certain type of person that you are looking for. For example, if you are trying to promote your wedding photography business to engaged couples in New York, you can specifically do that with a sponsored post. Or, if you are looking for people who love pets, Facebook can make that happen. With decently low prices for a sponsored post that can work around many budgets, you can easily boost the social media marketing you are doing for your business so it can be more viral.  

Be sure you are following Camera Giveaways on Facebook! 


Instagram is a great way to show off your amazing photography and if you are not on here, you are missing out on big potential opportunities. With over 500 million monthly active users as of June 2016 (according to Statista), the Instagram app is one of the most popular social media sites worldwide. 

This platform is literally created to share photos... how perfect is that for a photographer? All you want to do in your business is promote your photos and market your business to others looking for a photographer. It offers a very easy place to post your photos and search for specific groups of people based with keywords (otherwise known as hashtags). 

Hashtags are very useful to the Instagram platform. Using specific hashtags helps you to interact with your target audience. You can include specific hashtags with your photos so that others can find your work when searching for that same keyword or phrase. An example... if you photograph landscapes and use #landscapephotography with your photo, others searching for that same hashtag will see your photo. You can also search specific hashtags to find and start following others. If you are looking for engaged couples or someone planning their wedding, searching for #engaged, #imengaged, or #isaidyes could pull up profiles of people potentially looking for a wedding photographer.  

Be sure you are following Camera Giveaways on Instagram! 


The third social media platform that is important for your photography business is Pinterest. You have your own profile and can create "boards" where you can pin things. If you post an article with lots of photos on your blog from a recent photo shoot you did, you can pin that to one of your specific boards and it will link from Pinterest directly back to that blog post on your website. When others see your post and share it, it has the potential to become very popular and go viral. 

People get on Pinterest for inspiration. Whether they are looking for inspiration when planning their wedding, redecorating their home, for cooking or even tips on how to capture amazing photos at sunset, you can find anything you need on this platform which makes it such a huge success. If you pin recent wedding photography you have taken or even pin blog posts you write, people will see your pins and it can bring your website much more traffic.  

Pinterest is also a great place for you to send your customers (and potential customers) as a resource. Perhaps you are a photographer that loves teaching other photographers and you have a board that is titled "photographer resources" that includes tons of great photography related information... you can point other photographers to your board so they can get some great industry information. If you are a wedding photographer, perhaps you have a board of gorgeous wedding gowns to help bring more wedding planning inspiration to your brides. 

Be sure you are following Camera Giveaways on Pinterest! 

If you are active on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for your photography business, then you are doing pretty great! Just be sure to post on a regular basis, stay active and engaging and the possibilities for your marketing are endless! 

Still having a hard time coming up with different things to post about? Make sure you also check out these 7 social media post ideas that will keep your followers engaged

If you are still in need of a little more help with your social media but do not have the budget to hire a social media expert, then this Social Media Kit Bundle is perfect for you! Get 5 great social media products bundled together to help you do your social media like a pro for only $350! 


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Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary With These Tips From Ben Von Wong

"Keep experimenting and never give up... and that, my friends, is how you take your photos to the next level." Such a great and inspiring quote from professional photographer Ben Vong Wong.

Like so many things in life, this quote is perfect for taking photos; no matter what type of photos it is that you take - whether you photograph weddings, gorgeous landscapes around the world or portraits - you never want to stop experimenting and trying out new techniques, poses, and ideas. 

By continuing to learn and grow and try out new techniques, you can take your photos from ordinary to extraordinary - or "epic" as Von Wong would say. 

Underwater shipwreck in Bali. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Underwater shipwreck in Bali. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Vong Wong has spent years developing his creative vision and style and is known throughout the photography world for his incredible vision and portraiture. One thing we love is that he enjoys sharing his tips and creative process with others all around the world on his YouTube channel and website

The quote from above was from a video of his where he explains how to take your photography to the next level of epic. You can watch his video "How To Take Your Photography To The Next Level of Epic" below. 

The techniques and tricks he shows in the video can be done by any photographer with some brainstorming, planning and consistency. He says that you must start small and work your way up to more complicated concepts that will create more advanced shots. Like Von Wong says, it takes many tries to get it perfect, but you must keep trying to have it look the way you envisioned. 

Here are a few more photos from him that we thought you would enjoy seeing. 

Superheros on a skyscraper. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Superheros on a skyscraper. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Disney library. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Disney library. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Storm chaser. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Storm chaser. Photo credit: Ben Von Wong

Do you want to add some blur to the background of your photos or perhaps you want to create depth? These Creative Blur Overlays are for you! This product provides 60 overlays will allow you to add various colors and shapes of blurring to your photos for only $124.99. The creative possibilities are endless! 

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